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universal argument regression

Greetings -

While empirically determing if copy-prev-word followed the universal
prefix (see my posting to zsh-users), I came across a regression in
the current shell vs. 4.2.1.

xterm -e zsh-4.2.1 -f


does what is expected - it moves the cursor from the 'a' to the 'g'.

xterm -e zsh-2005-11-01 -f


doesn't behave in the same way.  ^A moves to the 'a', but then <ESC>4
flashes the screen (and is ignored) and the ^F moves forward 1
character to the 's'.  It looks like the universal prefix argument is
ignored in the latest CVS sources.

(Upon further testing, this regression is fairly recent - a version of
the shell build on 2005-10-01 does not exhibit this bug.  HTH.)


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