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Re: case-insensitive completion

On Mar 1,  1:16am, Karl Chen wrote:
} Hi, I use the following for case-insensitive completion:
}     zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'
} It has always been MUCH slower than regular completion, esp on big
} directories.  With 4.3.0-dev-5 it got even worse.

I suspect that if you compile with --disable-multibyte you'll at get
at least back to the speed before 4.3.0-dev-5.  I'd be curious to know
if you don't.

} Any plans to implement case-insensitive matching natively?

What do you mean "natively"?  The matcher-list matching is all done
in C, even though it's enabled via zstyle.

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