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Quoting =(command)

How do I quote the =(<commands>) syntax that returns a the
name of a temporary file containing the output of <commands>?

Example: star is an improved tar program that can take a list of
files to archive through the =<list> command-line parameter - in
this case, the list is to be generated by the find program:
    # star -cv f=etc-bak.tar -C / list==(cd / ; find ./etc -newer /tmp/mtime.ref)
    zsh: parse error near `)'

I briefly thought I had found a solution:
    # echo $(echo =(cd / ; find ./etc -newer /tmp/mtime.ref)) 

    # cat $(echo =(cd / ; find ./etc -newer /tmp/mtime.ref))
    cat: /tmp/zshioLLt3: No such file or directory


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