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[BUG] zsh does not manage output until first 'Enter'


I've got the problem: when starting zsh in new terminal (reproduced
with aterm, rxvt and xterm) with attached .zshrc it refuses to handle
output to the screen until first 'Enter' is pressed: all this funny
^P^N^R are on the screen, TAB shows as literal tab and so on.

Nevertheless, it *works* properly (after 'Enter' executes expected
command), but just *outputs* garbage.

Seems to be race condition in terminal handling code, as in rare cases
zsh initializes properly, but mostly not.

zsh 4.3.2, X.org 7.0. Reproduced with rxvt 7.7, xterm 210, aterm

JID: dottedmag@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Attachment: .zshrc
Description: Binary data

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