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Re: Core dump with latest CVS

On Sep 15,  2:08pm, Peter Stephenson wrote:
} I'll commit this pair of changes for now, since it fixes the crash and
} mostly does the right thing transparently---ASCII characters behave as
} they used to and multibyte characters as they should---but if there are
} strong views I can change it.

My concern is that "printability" shouldn't have anything to do with it.
Programmatically, the expression

    (( ${#:-X} == 1 && ${#(pl.width..X.)} == width ))

should always be true.

I could see an argument that ${#(%pl.width.X)} could compute the padding
based on printable width, because the presence of % means we're expanding
prompt escapes so presumably we want printable values ... but there is
a reason that %{ %} has to be placed around non-printing sequences in

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