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Re: delete-whole-word-match fails on words starting with -, patch

Peter Stephenson wrote:
> "Mikael Magnusson" wrote:
> > -- isn't documented in the manual for the zle builtin, but seems to do
> > the trick anyway.
> The function's been rewritten to use lower level facilities, so that
> shouldn't occur.

I'm talking nonsense:  no, it hasn't been rewritten and I must have been
looking at the wrong thing.  However, I still don't understand
how you're getting that problem.  Could you send a trace with "setopt
xtrace" both in there and in match-words-by-style (I presume it
depends on what word style is in effect since I can't se it)?


Peter Stephenson <p.w.stephenson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Web page now at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/p.w.stephenson/

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