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UTF-8/unicode/widechar refresh bug

So this happens to me very rarely, but this time I think I've got it
narrowed down. I'm cautiously optimistic someone else will reproduce

zsh -f
bindkey '^E' reset-prompt #or whatever key you want
: aaaaa(enter some characters so the cursor just wraps)〜aaaaaaaa<ctrl-e>

at this point everything after the character that probably gets
garbled in the mail disappears. The unicode codepoint is 301c, a
command to print one for copy-paste or kill-yank is:
echo +MBw|iconv -f UTF-7 -t UTF-8
though it does seem to happen with any arbitrary double-width
character (I tried 4 different ones anyway).

(version is 4.3.4-dev-3, latest cvs)

Mikael Magnusson

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