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Re: 4.3.4-dev-6

On Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 06:49:32PM +0000, Peter Stephenson wrote:
> I suggest breakpointing where REDIR_CLOSE is handled around line 2708 of
> exec.c in such an environment (which I don't have) to see what's happening.
> I suppose it's just vaguely possible that stdin has been set up as a
> multio for some reason:  addfd() is the function that adds to a multio
> and closemn() is where they are actually spawned (it's quite badly named).

That was a bit of a red herring; I have the exact same problem with a
normal make & make check.  I wonder if this has something to do with it:

%   mkdir redir.tmp && cd redir.tmp
%   myfd=99
%   (echo >&$myfd) 2>msg
%   bad_fd_msg="${$(<msg)##*:}"
%   print foo >&-
% cat msg
zsh: 99: bad file descriptor
% <Ctrl-D to exit shell>

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