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[Patch] Fix for functions/Completion/Unix/_gpg

Hi all,

attached is a patch that fixes showing all photos from all
locally stored keys when trying to complete. It also fixes
a grammar error and introduces new completion help.

--- /home/richih/work/MISC/zsh/_gpg.orig	2008-02-29 15:21:52.276240652 +0100
+++ /usr/share/zsh/4.3.4/functions/Completion/Unix/_gpg	2008-02-29 15:32:09.311403482 +0100
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
   '--list-public-keys[list all public keys]' \
   '--list-secret-keys[list all secret keys]' \
   '--list-sigs[lists keys and signatures]:key attachment:->public-keys' \
-  '--check-sigs[lists key, signatures and check them]:key attachment:->public-keys' \
+  '--list-options[modify what the various --list-* commands show]' \
+  '--check-sigs[list key, signatures and check them]:key attachment:->public-keys' \
   '--fingerprint[list all keys with their fingerprints]:key attachment:->public-keys' \
   '--list-packets[list only the sequence of packets]' \
   '--gen-key[generate a new pair key]' \
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@
   '*:args:->args' && ret=0
 if [[ $state = args ]]; then
-  if (( ${+opt_args[--export]} || ${+opt_args[--list-keys]} )); then
+  if (( ${+opt_args[--export]} || ${+opt_args[--list-keys]} || ${+opt_args[--list-public-keys]} )); then
   elif (( ${+opt_args[--list-secret-keys]} )); then
@@ -159,11 +160,11 @@
 case "$state" in
     _wanted public-keys expl 'public key' \
-	compadd ${${(Mo)$(_call_program public-keys gpg $needed --list-keys 2>/dev/null):%<*>}//(<|>)/} && return
+	compadd ${${(Mo)$(_call_program public-keys gpg $needed --list-public-keys --list-options no-show-photos 2>/dev/null):%<*>}//(<|>)/} && return
     _wanted secret-keys expl 'secret key' compadd \
-	${${(Mo)$(_call_program secret-keys gpg $needed --list-secret-keys 2>/dev/null):%<*>}//(<|>)/} && return
+	${${(Mo)$(_call_program secret-keys gpg $needed --list-secret-keys --list-options no-show-photos 2>/dev/null):%<*>}//(<|>)/} && return
     _wanted ciphers expl cipher compadd \

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