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Re: Making built-in completion recognize : as word boundary

On 29/02/2008, Matthias B. <msbREMOVE-THIS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Something that's been bothering me for years now with zsh is that the
>  built-in completion can't complete
>  PATH=/usr/bin:/sb<TAB>
>  presumably because it doesn't consider the colon a word boundary. Could
>  someone please point me at the code responsible so that I can fix this.
>  MSB
>  p.s.: I know that the function-based completion system doesn't have this
>  problem, but I don't want to use it.

path=(/usr/bin /sb<tab>
should work fine i think.

You can also make more of these automagic paired variables with some
argument to typeset.
typeset -T MYVAR myvar
myvar=(do re mi)
echo $MYVAR

I know that doesn't answer your actual question, but maybe it's useful
as a workaround.

Mikael Magnusson

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