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Completion for firefox is incomplete


With zsh-beta under Debian (4.3.6-dev-0+0428):

vin:~> firefox -[TAB]
Completing option
-CreateProfile                        -- specify: profile
-P                                    -- start with profile
-ProfileManager                       -- start with profile manager
-browser                              -- open browser window
-chrome                               -- load the specified chrome
-console                              -- start with debugging console
-contentLocale             -UILocale  -- specify: locale
-display                              -- specify: display
-edit                                 -- start with editor
-geometry                             -- specify: geometry
-height                               -- height of startup window
-help                      -h         -- output help message
-help                      -h         -- show usage message
-inspector                            -- start with DOM Inspector
-install-global-extension             -- install an extension
-jsconsole                            -- start with JavaScript Console
-new-tab                              -- load URL in new tab
-new-window                           -- load URL in new window
-no-remote                            -- run with multiple profiles
-profile                              -- specify profile file
-remote                               -- execute a command in an existing Mozilla
-version                   -v         -- show version
-version                   -v         -- show the version number and build date
-width                                -- width of startup window

but -safe-mode is missing. FYI, "firefox -help" gives:

Usage: /usr/lib/iceweasel/firefox-bin [ options ... ] [URL]
       where options include:

X11 options
        --display=DISPLAY               X display to use
        --sync          Make X calls synchronous
        --no-xshm               Don't use X shared memory extension
        --g-fatal-warnings              Make all warnings fatal

Mozilla options
        -height <value>         Set height of startup window to <value>.
        -h or -help             Print this message.
        -width <value>          Set width of startup window to <value>.
        -v or -version          Print Iceweasel version.
        -P <profile>            Start with <profile>.
        -ProfileManager         Start with Profile Manager.
        -UILocale <locale>              Start with <locale> resources as UI Locale.
        -contentLocale <locale>         Start with <locale> resources as content Locale.
        -safe-mode              Disables extensions and themes for this session.
  -jsconsole           Open the Error console.
  -browser            Open a browser window.
  -inspector <url>     Open the DOM inspector.
Usage: firefox [-flags] [<url>]

("-safe-mode" is listed -- note that not all options are present).

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <http://www.vinc17.org/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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