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Completion/correction and _path_files

Starting in the root of the zsh source tree, if I do this:

schaefer<501> ls Scr<TAB>

It gets corrected:

schaefer<501> ls Src/
Completing corrections
Completing original

If instead I start with:

schaefer<502> ls s/a/m<TAB>

That too gets corrected (lower -> upper) and completed:

schaefer<502> ls Src/Aliases/Makefile

However, if I start with this:

schaefer<502> ls Scr/
No matches for `files' or `corrections'

Looking at _complete_debug output, _path_files appears to have found the
correction and at line 372 populates tmp1 with all the files in the Src
subdirectory, but then discards the "Src/" prefix from all those files
at about line 669 and attempts to compare the files themselves to "Scr"
(compfiles -r at line 514) which of course fails.

This seems like a bug.  At some earlier point "Src/" should have been
added as a possible completion; the descent into the directory was not
necessary.  Even with

schaefer<502> ls Scr/A
No matches for `files' or `corrections'

I *think* it's comparing "Aliases" to the entire string "Scr/A", but
it begins to get difficult to follow.

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