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Re: DEBUG_CMD_LINE (Was Re: PATCH: skip command from debug trap)

On Aug 7,  9:37am, Rocky Bernstein wrote:
} Perhaps it is time to change the default in zsh as well. I don't think
} it  ikely someone sets PS4 with backticks and $() and so on and
} expects to see exactly those strings in trace output.

I strongly disagree.  Exporting PS4 (or any other PS* variable) is Just
Plain Wrong and shouldn't be considered as a reason for such a change,
and if you're putting those things in a variable from within zsh it's
negligible extra effort to set the option.
} However if older zsh compatibility is a concern here, the usual thing
} to do is warn that the option is changing, and after a release or so
} make the change.

Heh.  If you want to do it that way, I've probably got nothing to worry
about, as I'll be retired by the time the shell goes through two more
"stable" releases at the current rate.

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