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"pws non-canonical hack" problems

I am having problems with "pws non-caninical hack" in
_path_files.  Let me explain with screenshot:

377       # pws non-canonical hack which seems to work so far...
378       # if we didn't match by globbing, check that there is
379       # something to match by explicit name.  This is for
380       # `clever' filing systems where names pop into existence
381       # when referenced.
382       if (( ! $#tmp1 )); then
383           for tmp3 in "$tmp2[@]"; do
384               if [[ -n $tmp3 && $tmp3 != */ ]]; then
385                   tmp3+=/
386               fi
387               if [[ -e "$tmp3${(Q)PREFIX}${(Q)SUFFIX}" ]] then
388                   tmp1+=("$tmp3${(Q)PREFIX}${(Q)SUFFIX}")
389               fi
390           done
391       fi

When I completing directory, sometimes file is being completed.

$ touch foo foobar
$ cd fo<Tab>
Sorry. No match for: `local directory'
$ cd foo<Tab>
$ cd foo (file name is completed)
$ touch foo<Tab>
---- file ----
foo     foobar
$ zstyle ':completion:*' list-dirs-first true
$ touch foo<Tab>
---- directories ----
---- file ----
foo     foobar

I think I can forge more examples where this code will fail.  Can
it be controlled via zstyle, please, so anyone can turn this off?

Sir Raorn.

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