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Something changed about zsh linkage?

For years now I've been building zsh and running it from the source tree
for testing.  I'm used to this meaning that some modules are not loadable
when I run "Src/zsh -f" (because the modules haven't been installed yet).

Recently, however, I've started getting an error I never did before --

schaefer[602] Src/zsh -o noglobalrcs -f
zsh: failed to load module `zsh/zle': /usr/local/lib/zsh/4.3.6-dev-0/zsh/zle.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

-- so either zle has stopped being linked in the same way, or something
is causing zle to [try to] be loaded at startup when it never was before.
I think it's the former but I can't be certain.

I have stuff in my .zshenv to fix the module_path and that still works as
it always has; it's only the behavior with -f that's changed.

Either zle should be static linked, or the shell should not implicitly
load it (or at least not complain when it can't).

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