Clint Adams <schizo@xxxxxxxxxx>:
On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 12:05:05PM +0300, Arto Jantunen wrote:
Typing vim and pressing tab produces the following output:
_vim:31: unmatched '
Commenting out lines 31-40 in
/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_vim fixes the problem. Should
be trivial to fix properly for someone who understands zsh's compeltion
syntax (I don't).
I can't reproduce this and I don't see what the problem might be.
Is this consistent for you?
Hmm. Apparently it depends on "emulate csh" being used. I can't
reproduce with a .zshrc of only
autoload -U compinit
But can after adding emulate csh above those lines.
Anyone know which option might be the culprit here?
Yes, 'csh_junkie_quotes'.
The problem will vanish, if you unset that option after your 'emulate
csh' call.
However, I thought 'setopt no_csh_junkie_quotes' or 'emulate -L' at
the start of the file would be enough. But apparently it isn't...