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Re: [rfc + bad patch] Allow to get the current cursor command from zle, for doing a nicer run-help.

On Oct 5,  3:40pm, Mikael Magnusson wrote:
} Let's say you have the command line
} git add -u; git commit - # hmm, was it -m or -M for message? *press alt-h*
} Now, also assume you have the run-help-git stuff set up, but it will still
} show you the manpage for git-add instead of git-commit.

This points out a more generalized bug in Functions/Misc/run-help as it
currently is implemented.  If you have, for example

    zsh% run-help-less() { print $* }
    zsh% print this is not less but the next is; less /etc/termcap

If you now hit ESC-h to invoke run-help, you get:

    but the next is

and then the command "less /etc/termcap" is *executed*.  The "eval" in
Functions/Misc/run-help needs a (q) parameter expansion flag added, at
the very least.

} Since the run-help widget does a push-line, we can't use $CURSOR to
} find out which is the actual command, this is how i solved it.

It should be possible to solve this without resorting to hacking the C
source.  All you need is a user-defined ZLE widget that runs as a wrapper
around the run-help widget to save the value of CURSOR.  E.g.:

    run_help_cursor () {
        typeset -g HELPCURSOR=$CURSOR
        zle .run-help "$@"
    zle -N run-help run_help_cursor

Except that you're using CURSOR in your _runhelp function, so it must
already be a widget?  You didn't show a usage example.

It might be nice if the .run-help widget saved the cursor position itself,
or behaved more like a completion widget and passed an array containing
only the command words "around" the cursor, stripping from separators on
either side.  *That* would require C hacking. 

In any case I think your function will still do the wrong thing for
something like "git commit git", though that's admittedly not a very
likely scenario.

--- run-help	13 Mar 2008 15:46:07 -0000	1.4
+++ run-help	5 Oct 2008 18:05:54 -0000
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 		    shift cmd_args
-		eval "run-help-$1:t ${(@)cmd_args[2,-1]}"
+		eval "run-help-$1:t ${(q@)cmd_args[2,-1]}"
 		man $@:t

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