Mikael Magnusson wrote:
2008/11/3 Matthieu Louvel de Monceaux <glory69@xxxxxxxxx>:Thank you for your nice piece of information. You want me to put those bindings in my zshrc file ? But i don't understand that : (($+terminfo[kdch1])) && You said that it maps delete-char to the char sent by the delete key. Is it the role of the '&&' ?a && b is like if a; then b; fi, but shorter, and only works if b is a single statement (or is in {}, but then you're better off with an if probably).
Indeed that sounds logical. Same thing than if (($+terminfo[kdch1])); then bindkey -M viins $terminfo[kdch1] delete-char fi If I well understood. Anyway, I would like to know the reason of that vi-mode behavior, different from both vi editor and bash vi-mode behaviours ... maybe you could make me understand about that. M. Louvel de Monceaux