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Seg. Fault when calling "cd" with set "chpwd" hook from a widget

Hi workers,

I've experienced a seg. fault in zsh when doing the following:

This is the widget:

# Control + B jumps to "base" directory.
function return-to-base; {
	if [[ ! -z "$BASE" ]]; then
		[[ -d "$BASE" ]] && cd "$BASE"
		zle reset-prompt

It's bound to key ^b.

Here's the chpwd function:

function chpwd; {
    while true; do
        if [ -f './.env.rc' ]; then
            source './.env.rc'
        if [ -f './env' ]; then
            source './env'
        [ $PWD = '/' ] && break
        cd -q ..
    cd -q "$DIRECTORY"

Now when BASE points to a directory that contains a .env.rc file and I
press ^B, it seems to work fine at first, the directory is updated and I
get a new nice prompt. But then, no matter what I enter, after hitting
return zsh crashes with a seg. fault. This seems to happen in
hist.c:1138, where hptr points to NULL at that point. I tried to fix it
myself, but I can't find a clean solution as I can't find the source of
the problem. Just checking for hptr being NULL in hend() would just fix
the symptom, not the cause I guess.


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