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two problems with the insert-ids style


I've noticed two problems with the insert-ids style:

1. if I do "zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' insert-ids single", then I
   cannot enter menu-select or menu-complete modes with the widgets by
   those names.

2. if I do "zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' insert-ids longer" (or
   any value other than "menu" or "single") the logic is simply
   flawed: I type the characters "xe" which match only three
   processes, all of whose pids all begin with "27", then hit <tab>.
   It replaces "xe" with "27", and hitting <tab> again lists all
   processes whose pid starts with "27", which includes 5 more
   processes than the three originally matched by "xe".

Any suggestions for how to fix this?  My preference would be to fix #1
as I'd like to only enter menu mode when I hit that key.


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