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Re: never complete functions beginning with "_"?

On 2009-01-24 at 17:46 -0500, Greg Klanderman wrote:
> It really seems some way to hide all the zle and completion functions
> in a separate namespace/package/whatever would be the ideal solution.

I raise the possibility of a new namespace mechanism in the recent
thread "sourcing a sh file in zsh" where I ask for feedback on the idea.

Moving all the zsh autocomplete to a new namespace would be an obvious
good use of that, but there would need to be a compatibility mode to
preserve the current system.  zsh doesn't break things arbitrarily and I
haven't yet thought through how the completion side of things could
interoperate with old completion functions (provided outside zsh), etc
and the interop mode would need to be default and how does this get
managed without getting very grotty?

This is a major can of worms.  So, feedback still welcome on that
thread.  :)  I've just come off oncall and am catching up on sleep, so
might actually get some coding accomplished in the near future.


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