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Re: setopt globcomplete and () broken

2009/3/10 Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxx>:
> On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 13:51:46 +0000
> Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>     elif [[ "$tmp1" = (#b)(*[^\$])(\(\([^\|~]##\)\)) ]]; then
>>       tmp2=( "$tmp2[@]" "${match[1]}((${tmp3}${match[2][3,-1]}" )
> I thought I was on the way to understanding what was going on here, but
> this attempt to match some form of glob qualifiers has stumped me.  Why are
> we specially matching a pattern ending with glob qualifiers wrapped in
> double parentheses?  What we're matching against, $tmp1, comes from patterns
> supplied to _files or _path_files as an argument; I can't see any sign the
> double parentheses are used, and the expansion manual says
>  A glob subexpression that would normally be taken as glob qualifiers, for
>  example (^x), can be forced to be treated as part of the glob pattern by
>  doubling the parentheses, in this case producing ((^x)).
> Yet we are treating it as if it's a glob expression ($tmp3 is the
> new glob qualifier we are trying to insinuate into the list).
> Can I simply hold my breath until it goes away?

If I delete that whole paragraph of code, my completion works as I
want, but I break what it wanted to fix,

If I unsetopt globcomplete, I can ls *zshenv(D)<tab> with the
paragraph deleted though, so it all seems a bit crazy to me. I thought
globcomplete was about completing things with patterns that weren't
files in the first place, so why do glob qualifiers come into the
picture at all? ie what I want to do is *2png<tab> and find my ps2png
program, I don't see how (D) would ever fit in there. I guess some
crazy people might have binaries starting with a ., but apart from the
sorting flags, none of the other glob qualifiers make any sense here,
do they?

And when completing actual files, why would globcomplete mean
_path_files has to do extra work instead of just expanding the
pattern? Put differently, why does globcomplete affect _path_files at
all? Hm, if i touch cat cbt, then with globcomplete on, c*t<tab> lets
me cycle between them, while with it off, it just inserts both
matches. (this is with
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _oldlist _complete _correct

In summary, I guess I have no idea how any of this works :).

Mikael Magnusson

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