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Re: zsh 4.3.10 terminates with SIGINT when one types Ctrl-G in emacs under Mac OS X

In fact, it seems that zsh implements some form of WCE in
interactive scripts, whereas bash implements it in any case.
Consider the following shell script:

sigint() { echo "SIGINT (sh)"; }
for i in 0 1 2 3
  trap - INT
  [ "$i" -eq 1 ] && trap sigint INT
  perl -e $i' or $SIG{"INT"} = sub { print "SIGINT (perl)\n" }; print "'$i' - $$\n"; sleep 30; $SIG{"INT"} = "DEFAULT"; kill "INT", $$'

Under Linux, whether this script is run in an interactive shell
or not (zsh or another one), I always get something like:

0 - 7387
^CSIGINT (perl)

and the script is immediately interrupted. Now, remove the

  $SIG{"INT"} = "DEFAULT"; kill "INT", $$

so that in the case i = 0, the Perl script is no longer killed
by SIGINT. Now, depending on the shell and how the script is
started, the script is interrupted either for i = 0 or i = 2
(the latter more of less corresponds to WCE, i.e. the sh script
is interrupted only if the Perl script is killed by SIGINT).

I considered the following two cases:
  1. "<shell> script.sh"
  2. ". script.sh" from the interactive shell

and I get the following results with:

  bash 3.2-5 (whether executed as bash or sh)
  ksh 93t+-2 (ksh93)
  pdksh 5.2.14-23
  posh 0.6.18
  zsh 4.3.10-3

under Debian/unstable.

* bash[1], dash[2], ksh93[1], pdksh[2], zsh[2]

0 - 7062
^CSIGINT (perl)
1 - 7063
2 - 7066

* bash[2]

0 - 7241
^CSIGINT (perl)
1 - 7242
2 - 7243

* dash[1], ksh93[2], pdksh[1], posh[1], posh[2], zsh[1]

0 - 7387
^CSIGINT (perl)

Note that ksh93 does the opposite to pdksh and zsh!

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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