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Re: zsh 4.3.10 terminates with SIGINT when one types Ctrl-G in emacs under Mac OS X

Vincent Lefevre <vincent <at> vinc17.org> writes:

> Sorry, I was not enough clear. I meant that bash restores the trap
> to the behavior at the time that bash was called. But it seems to
> be something different, something like if SIGINT is ignored when
> bash is executed, a "trap command INT" has no effect unless both
> bash and its child receive a SIGINT. Now, this behavior is a bit
> strange, maybe a bug.

POSIX requires that if a shell starts life with a signal ignored, that the shell
should silently reject attempts to alter the fact that the signal is ignored
(either back to a default, or to a user-specified handler).  Which is very
annoying if your shell ever gets started with SIGPIPE ignored, but that's life.
 In other words, if you start bash with SIGINT ignored, you can't undo that from
within the bash shell.

Eric Blake

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