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Re: Recent parser changes

2009/8/14 Vin Shelton <acs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Greetings -
> On my Windows XP/cygwin 1.7 box, one of my scripts recently stopped
> working with the following message:
> MakeNativeXEmacs:136: parse error near '\n'
> The line number identified is the last line in the file, so the parser
> is running off the end of the file.
> Apparently, the offending line in the script is:
> if [[ -n $package_dir ]] &&  perl -pi -e
> "s@^#XXX=.*@XXX=$package_dir@" config.inc
> Commenting out that line solved my problem.  After staring at that
> line for awhile, I realized that the "if ... &&" construct was at
> least non-standard, if not an outright syntax error; removing the "if"
> solved the parse error.
> Peter - if memory serves, you made some parser changes recently and I
> just wanted to document this behavioral change.

The subject line was "zsh bug in . builtin" and the commit message was
Author: Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jul 6 20:44:28 2009 +0000

    27092: missing then-clause for if wasn't an error

Mikael Magnusson

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