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[PATCH] Rewrite of RI (Ruby documentation browser) completion

Since Ruby 1.9 RI is no longer have option to dump all known classes
and methods.  Instead, we try to look into documentation search paths
to offer available classes and class and instance methods.

This code is tested on Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.1.

Signed-off-by: Alexey I. Froloff <raorn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 Completion/Unix/Command/_ri |   80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_ri b/Completion/Unix/Command/_ri
index e26b918..fe2a277 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_ri
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_ri
@@ -1,24 +1,86 @@
 #compdef ri
-local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
+local context="$curcontext" state line ret=1
 typeset -A opt_args
 _arguments \
   '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[print help information and exit]' \
   '(- *)'{-v,--version}'[display the version of ri]' \
-  '(-c --classes)'{-c,--classes}'[display the names of classes and modules we know about]' \
-  '(-d --doc-dir)'{-d,--doc-dir}'[directory to search for documentation]:ri doc directory:_files -/' \
-  '(-f --format)'{-f,--format}'[format to use when displaying output]:output format:(ansi bs html plain simple)' \
-  '(-l --list-names)'{-l,--list-names}'[list all the names known to RDoc]' \
+  '*'{-d,--doc-dir}'[directory to search for documentation]:ri doc directory:_files -/' \
+  '(-f --fmt --format)'{-f,--fmt,--format}'[format to use when displaying output]:output format:(ansi bs html plain simple)' \
   '(-T --no-pager)'{-T,--no-pager}'[send output directly to stdout]' \
+  '(-i, --interactive)'{-i,--interactive}'[interactive mode]' \
+  '--list-doc-dirs[list the directories from which ri will source documentation]' \
   '(-w --width)'{-w,--width}'[set the width of the output]:output width:' \
+  '--no-standard-docs[do not include documentation from the Ruby standard library, site_lib, installed gems, or ~/.rdoc]' \
+  '(--no-use-cache --use-cache)--'{no-,}'use-cache[whether or not to use ri'\''s cache]' \
+  '(--no-system --system)--'{no-,}'system[include documentation from Ruby'\''s standard library]' \
+  '(--no-site --site)--'{no-,}'site[include documentation from libraries installed in site_lib]' \
+  '(--no-gems --gems)--'{no-,}'gems[include documentation from RubyGems]' \
+  '(--no-home --home)--'{no-,}'home[include documentation stored in ~/.rdoc]' \
   '*:ri name:->ri-name' && ret=0
 if [[ "$state" = ri-name ]]; then
-    local ri_names expl
+  local -a ri_dirs ri_names ri_wants ri_names
+  local class_dir esc_name dir curtag tag descr expl
-    ri_names=( ${(f)"$( _call_program ri-names "$words[1]" ${(v)opt_args[(I)(-d|--doc-dir)]:+-d "${(v)opt_args[(I)(-d|--doc-dir)]}"} -l -T )"} )
-    _wanted ri-names expl "ri name" compadd -a ri_names && ret=0
+  ret=1
+  if "ruby${words[1]#ri}" -rrdoc/ri/ri_options.rb -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # Old-style Ruby 1.8.x RI
+    ri_dirs=( ${(f)"$(_call_program ri-names "ruby${words[1]#ri}" -rrdoc/ri/ri_options -e '"o = RI::Options.instance; o.parse(ARGV); o.path.each { |p| puts p }"' -- ${(kv)opt_args[(I)-d|--doc-dir|--(system|site|gems|home)]})"} )
+  else
+    # New-style Ruby 1.9+ RI
+    ri_dirs=( ${(f)"$(_call_program ri-names "$words[1]" ${(kv)opt_args[(I)-d|--doc-dir|--((no-|)(system|site|gems|home)|standard-docs)]} --list-doc-dirs -f plain -T)"} )
+  fi
+  if compset -P '?*(::|\#|.)'; then
+    class_dir=${IPREFIX//(::|\#|.)/\/}
+    #else
+    #	:
+  fi
+  esc_name=${${(Q)PREFIX}//(#b)([^A-Za-z0-9_])/$(printf %%%x ${(qq)match[1]})}
+  case "$IPREFIX" in
+    (*::) ri_wants=( 'classes:class names' 'class-methods:class methods' );;
+    (*\#) ri_wants=( 'instance-methods:instance methods' );;
+    (*.) ri_wants=( 'class-methods:class methods' 'instance-methods:instance methods' );;
+    (*) ri_wants=( 'classes:class names' )
+  esac
+  for curtag in $ri_wants; do
+    tag=${curtag%%:*}
+    descr=${curtag#*:}
+    _tags "$tag"
+    while _tags; do
+      while _next_label "$tag" expl "$descr"; do
+        ri_wants=()
+        case "$tag" in
+          (classes)
+          for dir in $ri_dirs[@]; do
+            ri_wants+=( $dir/$class_dir*(-/:t) )
+          done
+          ;;
+          (class-methods)
+          for dir in $ri_dirs[@]; do
+            fnames=( $dir/$class_dir*-c.yaml(-.:t) )
+            ri_wants+=( ${${fnames%-c.yaml}//(#b)%(??)/$(print "\\x$match[1]")} )
+          done
+          ;;
+          (instance-methods)
+          for dir in $ri_dirs[@]; do
+            fnames=( $dir/$class_dir*-i.yaml(-.:t) )
+            ri_wants+=( ${${fnames%-i.yaml}//(#b)%(??)/$(print "\\x$match[1]")} )
+          done
+          ;;
+        esac
+        ri_names=( ${(Q)ri_wants} )
+        compadd -S '' -d ri_names -a "$expl[@]" ri_wants && ret=0
+      done
+      (( ret )) || break
+    done
+  done
-return $ret
+return ret

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