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Re: Improving some return-value checking

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Wayne Davison <wayned@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> wrote:

> The second is specific to checking the return value of pipe() [...]
> I haven't yet patched the various read()/write()/fwrite() calls
> that are not checking their return values

I finally got back to this, and checked in some cleanup for both the pipe()
calls and the read()/write() calls that were causing compiler warnings.
 This gets rid of all the "ignoring return value" compiler warnings, and
should make some of the read/write calls slightly safer (since they now
handle EINTR).  There is one remaining FIXME (in exec.c) where I didn't
error-handle an mpipe() call.  Since it wasn't error-handled before, it will
be fine for now, but we may want to figure out how to do an error exit from
that point.


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