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Re: what is the effect of a percentage sign (%) as last character on the command line

I presume you had that somewhere interesting like inside your precmd
or preexec function?  Just having it "in .zshrc" wouldn't affect any
command except possibly the very first one.
Yes, sorry , my snippet was too short:

git_info() {
  ref=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD 2>/dev/null)
  echo ${ref:+"${GREEN}[$ref]${WHITE}"}

precmd () {
  PS1="%m%F{red}${EXITCODE}%f%# "

  case $TERM in
    print -Pn "\e]0;%n@%m: $1\a"

And to follow your script hint ( with the erronous precmd version above ) :

$ date%
$ script zsh.out
Script started, file is zsh.out
$ date%
zsh: command not found: date%
$ <CTRL-D>
Script done, file is zsh.out
$ cat zsh.out
Script started on Sun 24 Jan 2010 10:42:39 AM CET
$ date%
zsh: command not found: date%

Script done on Sun 24 Jan 2010 10:43:06 AM CET
$ date%

So apparently , the script program swallows the "dangling" control character and the shell behaves as expected ...


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