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Re: completion display question

On Feb 5,  1:50pm, Greg Klanderman wrote:
} I was wondering if there's some way for completion listings to
} indicate the common portion

It'd be nice if this worked:

zstyle -e ':completion:*:*:*:*' list-colors \

Unfortunately the list-colors style is evaluated "too early," before
the completion internals have assigned compstate[unambiguous].

So I suggest you start from the following and try tweaking the
(${(q)PREFIX}) part until you get something close enough to what
you want:

zstyle -e ':completion:*:*:*:*' list-colors \

E.g. you may want (#b)*(${(q}PREFIX:t})* or something like that, and you
may want different patterns for different contexts.

Replace "01;31" with another color spec if you don't like red.  Also (q)
may not be sufficient to quote the prefix for pattern purposes.

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