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Re: segfault on menu-select

Philipp Hartwig wrote:
> The error occurs with menu-select, not menu-complete. I can reproduce it 

Oops, sorry.

> with the following .zshrc:
> autoload -Uz compinit
> compinit
> zmodload -i zsh/complist
> bindkey '^o' menu-select
> Strangely enough I can NOT reproduce it with 
> zsh -f
> source .zshrc

Still. Can you reproduce this with CVS HEAD?

I cannot. Not with those lines as the only .zshrc and not with zsh -f
and "source .zshrc". There may be something in the global config files
on your system, that play a role... But then, if the issue is already
fixed in CVS, then we're wasting time here. :)

If it's reproducible with CVS HEAD, it would be good to create a debug
build and fetch a back trace from the core file.

Regards, Frank

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