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Re: PATCH: documentation on keymap selection

On Sep 5,  8:40pm, Peter Stephenson wrote:
} Subject: Re: PATCH: documentation on keymap selection
} On Fri, 3 Sep 2010 23:06:10 +0100
} Peter Stephenson <p.w.stephenson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
} > Peter Stephenson <p.w.stephenson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
} > > It doesn't address the issue that "bindkey -lL" lies about aliased
} > > keymaps.
} > 
} > This does.
} While I'm at it, this seems a natural extension.
} +List all existing keymap names; if any arguments are given, list just
} +those keymaps.
} +
} +If the tt(-L) option is also used, list in the form of tt(bindkey)
} +commands to create or link the keymaps.

I just tried this out, and got this:

schaefer<501> bindkey -lL
bindkey -N .safe
bindkey -N command
bindkey -N emacs
bindkey -N isearch
bindkey -N listscroll
bindkey -A emacs main
bindkey -N menuselect
bindkey -N vicmd
bindkey -N viins

Is it really correct to include "bindkey -N .safe" in that output?  If
I turn around and feed that back to the shell again, I get

schaefer<502> bindkey -N .safe
bindkey: keymap name `.safe' is protected

Perhaps the .safe keymap should be treated as invisible for this.

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