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[PATCH] Completion/Unix/Commands/_ri: updated for Ruby 1.9.2

In Ruby 1.9.2 extension of compiled RI files changed from .yaml
to .ri, choose extension accorting to RI version.

"plain" formatter was removed, use "bs" formatter and filter output
through "col".

Signed-off-by: Alexey I. Froloff <raorn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 Completion/Unix/Command/_ri |   18 ++++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_ri b/Completion/Unix/Command/_ri
index a7f2692..7474374 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_ri
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_ri
@@ -21,17 +21,23 @@ _arguments \
   '*:ri name:->ri-name' && ret=0
 if [[ "$state" = ri-name ]]; then
-  local -a ri_dirs ri_names ri_wants ri_names
+  local -a ri_dirs ri_ext ri_names ri_wants ri_names
   local class_dir esc_name dir curtag tag descr expl
-  if "ruby${words[1]#ri}" -rrdoc/ri/ri_options.rb -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  if "ruby${words[1]#ri}" -rrdoc/ri/ri_options -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     # Old-style Ruby 1.8.x RI
     ri_dirs=( ${(f)"$(_call_program ri-names "ruby${words[1]#ri}" -rrdoc/ri/ri_options -e '"o = RI::Options.instance; o.parse(ARGV); o.path.each { |p| puts p }"' -- ${(kv)opt_args[(I)-d|--doc-dir|--(system|site|gems|home)]})"} )
+    ri_ext=yaml
+  elif "ruby${words[1]#ri}" -rrdoc/ri -rrdoc/ri/store -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # Newer-style Ruby 1.9.2 RI
+    ri_dirs=( ${(f)"$(_call_program ri-names "$words[1]" ${(kv)opt_args[(I)-d|--doc-dir|--((no-|)(system|site|gems|home)|standard-docs)]} --list-doc-dirs -f plain -T)"} )
+    ri_ext=ri
     # New-style Ruby 1.9+ RI
     ri_dirs=( ${(f)"$(_call_program ri-names "$words[1]" ${(kv)opt_args[(I)-d|--doc-dir|--((no-|)(system|site|gems|home)|standard-docs)]} --list-doc-dirs -f plain -T)"} )
+    ri_ext=yaml
   if compset -P '?*(::|\#|.)'; then
@@ -64,14 +70,14 @@ if [[ "$state" = ri-name ]]; then
           for dir in $ri_dirs[@]; do
-            fnames=( $dir/$class_dir*-c.yaml(-.:t) )
-            ri_wants+=( ${${fnames%-c.yaml}//(#b)%(??)/$(print "\\x$match[1]")} )
+            fnames=( $dir/$class_dir*-c.$ri_ext(-.:t) )
+            ri_wants+=( ${${fnames%-c.$ri_ext}//(#b)%(??)/$(print "\\x$match[1]")} )
           for dir in $ri_dirs[@]; do
-            fnames=( $dir/$class_dir*-i.yaml(-.:t) )
-            ri_wants+=( ${${fnames%-i.yaml}//(#b)%(??)/$(print "\\x$match[1]")} )
+            fnames=( $dir/$class_dir*-i.$ri_ext(-.:t) )
+            ri_wants+=( ${${fnames%-i.$ri_ext}//(#b)%(??)/$(print "\\x$match[1]")} )

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