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Re: Slow completion when using aptitude

On Feb 3,  6:21pm, cheer_xiao wrote:
} Subject: Re: Slow completion when using aptitude
} On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 8:02 AM, Bart Schaefer
} <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
} >
} > So try using this instead:
} >
} > _deb_packages_update_uninstalled () {
} >  _deb_packages_update_avail
} >  _deb_packages_update_installed
} >  if (( ! $+_deb_packages_cache_uninstalled )); then
} >    local avail
} >    for avail in $_deb_packages_cache_avail
} >    do
} >        (( ${+_deb_packages_cache_installed[(r)$avail]} )) && continue
} >        _deb_packages_cache_uninstalledr+=( $avail )
} >    done
} >  fi
} >  cachevar=_deb_packages_cache_uninstalled
} > }
} Was I supposed to include this in my .zshrc and that would solve my
} problem, or was it meant to be a hint for developers on fixing the
} bug? I have tried the former but nothing seems to change.

Sorry, I could have been more specific.

Putting it in your .zshrc is unlikely to work because it'll get
clobbered when the completion system autoloads the other _deb*
functions later.

You need to find the file ${^fpath}/_deb_packages and edit it
to replace _deb_packages_update_uninstalled with the above.

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