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Re: PATCH: zstyle to control completion of functions/parameters beginning with underscore

On Mar 9,  1:41pm, Greg Klanderman wrote:
} Subject: Re: PATCH: zstyle to control completion of functions/parameters b
} | zsh -f
} | phl% autoload -U compinit
} | phl% compinit -u
} | phl% function foobar () { echo foobar }
} | phl% zstyle ':completion:*' prefix-needed true
} and try completing 'foobar' again:
} | phl% foobar<tab>
} and it just beeps.
} So it seems like compadd's handling of the -k with subscript is not
} always working properly.

Try this ... if it works, produce a patch for the others and I'll get
it committed:

--- _command_names.~1.10.~	2011-03-08 08:03:02.000000000 -0800
+++ _command_names	2011-03-10 07:53:32.000000000 -0800
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   defs=( "$defs[@]"
     'builtins:builtin command:compadd -k builtins'
-    "functions:shell function:compadd -k functions$ffilt"
+    "functions:shell function:compadd -k functions${(q)ffilt}"
     'aliases:alias:compadd -k aliases'
     'suffix-aliases:suffix alias:_suffix_alias_files'
     'reserved-words:reserved word:compadd -k reswords'


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