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Re: menu-select interactive mode
On Apr 10, 5:37pm, Mikael Magnusson wrote:
} Intuitively I feel like the very place that checks if the 'menu' style
} contains 'select' should also check if the widget is called
} 'menu-select'.
The only other possibility is a few lines farther up, like so:
Index: Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete
RCS file: /extra/cvsroot/zsh/zsh-4.0/Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -c -r1.12 _main_complete
--- _main_complete 21 Dec 2010 16:41:14 -0000 1.12
+++ _main_complete 10 Apr 2011 18:22:22 -0000
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
if [[ "$MENUSELECT" != 00 ]]; then
- sel=( "${(@M)_menu_style:#select*}" )
+ sel=( "${(@M)_menu_style:#select*}" ${(M)WIDGET#menu-select} )
if (( $#sel )); then
That has the effect of setting MENUSELECT=0 as if the style had been
set, but the side-effect is that MENUSELECT *remains* set to 0 after
_main_complete finishes, which my other patch doesn't do (both leave
} menu-complete doesn't imply selection, does it?
No, but you wrote "using menu-complete" so I wanted to be sure what
behavior you were expecting.
} > There are still some bugs in the interactive mode.
I just managed to hit a really alarming one. Starting zsh -f with
the ESC-m binding we've been discussing:
torch% MENUSELECT=0 MENUMODE=interactive
Next hit TAB after ls:
torch% ls
BUILD config.log Etc/ Src/
Completion/ config.modules Functions/ stamp-h
Config/ config.modules.sh local stamp-h.in
config.h config.status* Makefile Test/
config.h-xx Doc/ sleep ul*
Now hit TAB again to enter menu completion:
torch% ls BUILD
BUILD config.log Etc/ Src/
Completion/ config.modules Functions/ stamp-h
Config/ config.modules.sh local stamp-h.in
config.h config.status* Makefile Test/
config.h-xx Doc/ sleep ul*
And TAB again:
torch% ls Completion/
BUILD config.log Etc/ Src/
Completion/ config.modules Functions/ stamp-h
Config/ config.modules.sh local stamp-h.in
config.h config.status* Makefile Test/
config.h-xx Doc/ sleep ul*
Now hit ESC-m to enter menu-selection. I'm not even going to attempt
to copy-paste the result, it's a screenful of garbage memory contents.
} Yeah, I noticed a couple of things too, if you complete some levels of
} directories and accept, then undo it all, you're left with the bits
} you typed manually, only the completion-inserted parts are removed.
Hmm. I don't know whether the right thing would be to add those to the
undo system or something else. Internally menu-select is handling it's
own undos; I'm not familiar enough with how the undo entries are kept
to know if extraneous entries would confuse things.
} You can also not use more complex patterns than a simple * or ?, as
} soon as you type a non-matching glob it drops you back into the main
} shell.
Yes, menu-select exits any time the number of matching completions is
zero after any single key press, and an incomplete glob pattern is
one such circumstance.
} Even if you manage to type a ( or | it will just start
} completing commands or worse instead of files :).
Actually for me it starts completing glob qualifiers.
} I don't know if this is a bug or not, the documentation doesn't really
} say what you can type in it.
It's pretty much exactly as if every alternate keystroke was a TAB,
and as soon as one of those returns no matches it bails out.
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