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Re: How to do completion of toggle flag sequences separated by +/-

On Tue, 3 May 2011 11:27:42 +0100, Peter Stephenson <Peter.Stephenson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, 2 May 2011 11:16:06 +0200
Haakon Riiser <haakon.riiser@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 By the way: When defining sub-functions inside a completion
function, is it recommended to test for their existence before
defining them? E.g.,

 (( $+functions[_ffmpeg_foo] )) || _ffmpeg_foo() {

 I see this in a lot of completers included with zsh, and I assumed
it was done for performance reasons (although it seems strange that
the performance hit could be significant, considering that the code
is only executed once per TAB keypress).

That's certainly normal, but I think it's less for performance reasons
than to allow you to overrided _ffmpeg_foo (or whatever) in another
file. Note that the (( ... )) expression is true even if _ffmpeg_foo is
marked for autoload.

Ah, I see. Doesn't seem to be a reason not to do this then, so I used the same convention for the other stuff I added.

Attached to this email you will find a patch that implements toggle flags using the method you posted earlier in this thread (thanks again for that, btw). The ffmpeg completion function is pretty cryptic now, but at least it should be very complete and _very_ future-proof. :)

Index: _ffmpeg
RCS file: /cvsroot/zsh/zsh/Completion/Unix/Command/_ffmpeg,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -1 -0 -r1.4 _ffmpeg
--- _ffmpeg	1 May 2011 15:46:47 -0000	1.4
+++ _ffmpeg	3 May 2011 13:41:48 -0000
@@ -36,41 +36,87 @@
     _wanted ffmpeg-pix-fmts expl 'set pixel format' compadd -a pix_fmts
 (( $+functions[_ffmpeg_bsfs] )) || _ffmpeg_bsfs() {
     local bsfs
     bsfs=(${${(f)"$(_call_program bsfs $words[1] -bsfs 2>/dev/null)"}:#*:})
     _wanted ffmpeg-bsfs expl 'set bitstream filter' compadd -a bsfs
+typeset -A _ffmpeg_flags
+(( $+functions[_ffmpeg_flag_options] )) || _ffmpeg_flag_options() {
+    local expl
+    _wanted options expl 'select flags' compadd -S '' -- {-,+}${^flag_options}
+(( $+functions[_ffmpeg_more_flag_options] )) || _ffmpeg_more_flag_options() {
+    compset -p $1 && _ffmpeg_flag_options
+(( $+functions[_ffmpeg_new_flag_options] )) || _ffmpeg_new_flag_options() {
+    compset -P '*' && _ffmpeg_flag_options
+(( $+functions[_ffmpeg_flags] )) || _ffmpeg_flags() {
+    local -a flag_options
+    eval "flag_options=(\${=_ffmpeg_flags[$1]})"
+    local match mbegin mend
+    integer ret=1
+    if [[ $PREFIX = (#b)(*)[-+]([^-+]#) ]]; then 
+        if [[ -n ${flag_options[(R)$match[2]]} ]]; then
+            _ffmpeg_new_flag_options && ret=0
+        fi 
+        if [[ -n ${flag_options[(R)$match[2]?*]} ]]; then
+            _ffmpeg_more_flag_options ${#match[1]} && ret=0
+        fi
+    else
+        _ffmpeg_flag_options && ret=0
+    fi
+    return $ret
+(( $+functions[_ffmpeg_register_lastopt_values] )) || _ffmpeg_register_lastopt_values() {
+    if (( lastopt_takesargs )); then
+        lastopt+=":$lastopt_description:"
+        if (( $#lastopt_values )); then
+            if [[ $lastopt_type == flags ]]; then
+                flagtype=${${lastopt%%:*}#-}
+                lastopt+="->$flagtype"
+                _ffmpeg_flags[$flagtype]="${lastopt_values[*]}"
+            else
+                lastopt+="(${lastopt_values[*]})"
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+    _ffmpeg_argspecs+=$lastopt
 local -a _ffmpeg_argspecs
     local lastopt
     local lastopt_description
     local lastopt_takesargs
+    local lastopt_type
     local -a lastopt_values
     _call_program options $words[1] -h 2>/dev/null | while IFS=$'\n' read -r; do
         if [[ $REPLY == -* ]]; then
-            if [[ -n $lastopt ]]; then
-                if (( lastopt_takesargs )); then
-                    lastopt+=":$lastopt_description:"
-                    if (( $#lastopt_values )); then
-                        lastopt+="(${lastopt_values[*]})"
-                    fi
-                fi
-                _ffmpeg_argspecs+=$lastopt
-            fi
+            [[ -n $lastopt ]] && _ffmpeg_register_lastopt_values
-            if [[ $lastopt_description == '<'* ]]; then
+            if [[ $lastopt_description == (#b)'<'(?##)'>'* ]]; then
+                lastopt_type=$match[1]
                 if [[ -z $lastopt_description ]]; then
             elif [[ $lastopt_description == [^[:space:]]##[[:space:]][[:space:]]* ]]; then
                 local example=${lastopt_description%% *}
@@ -106,29 +152,21 @@
         elif [[ $REPLY == ' '* ]]; then
-    if [[ -n $lastopt ]]; then
-        if (( lastopt_takesargs )); then
-            lastopt+=":$lastopt_description:"
-            if (( $#lastopt_values )); then
-                lastopt+="(${lastopt_values[*]})"
-            fi
-        fi
-        _ffmpeg_argspecs+=$lastopt
-    fi
+    [[ -n $lastopt ]] && _ffmpeg_register_lastopt_values
 _arguments -S \
     "${_ffmpeg_argspecs[@]}" \
     '*:output file:_files' \
     && return 0
 [[ "$state" == "vfilters" ]] &&
     _values -s , -S = 'video filters' \
     'aspect:set aspect ratio (rational number X\:Y or decimal number):' \
@@ -146,11 +184,14 @@
     'nullsrc' \
     'nullsink' \
     && return 0
 [[ "$state" == "format" ]] &&
     _values -s : -S = 'convert input video to one of the specified pixel formats' $(_ffmpeg_list_pix_fmts) && return 0
 [[ "$state" == "noformat" ]] &&
     _values -s : -S = 'disable specified pixel formats by force' $(_ffmpeg_list_pix_fmts) && return 0
+[[ -n $state && -n $_ffmpeg_flags[$state] ]] &&
+    _ffmpeg_flags $state && return 0
 return 1

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