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Re: PATCH: fix some syntax depending on shortloops
On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:11:00 +0200
Mikael Magnusson <mikachu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Shortloops isn't in _comp_options so completions can't depend on it
> being set. I discovered these two after updating my root .zshrc.
I wonder if there's some mileage in that case in explicitly turning it
off to level the playing field. I think the only effect would be user
code that's not part of the normal system e.g. evals in zstyles would
pick this up. Ideally this should be in a sandbox (but don't hold your
> I haven't tested _ethtool but it should be fine, it looks like it just
> had broken syntax that happened to work with shortloops set.
Yes, that just looked plain wrong.
Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxx> Software Engineer
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