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Bug(?) when using if list { list } syntax inside a for { } loop

Hi everyone,

It looks like it's not possible to use if [[ ]] { } syntax inside a for { } loop:

descent ~/bin > for i (*) { if [[ -r $i ]] { echo $i } }
for elif> 

when explicitly adding an else it works fine, though:

descent ~/bin > for i (*) { if [[ -r $i ]] { echo $i } else { } }

it also works when adding a semicolon to the end of the if { }:

descent ~/bin > for i (*) { if [[ -r $i ]] { echo $i }; }

I'm not quite sure if this is a bug, at least from the documentation it seems
like it should work.

zsh version 4.3.12-dev-1-cvs0820, patchlevel 1.5445


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