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Re: SIGINT/TRAPINT Behaves Differently in 4.3.11

On Sep 16, 10:17am, Bart Schaefer wrote:
} Subject: Re: SIGINT/TRAPINT Behaves Differently in 4.3.11
} On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 7:35 PM,  <sorin.ionescu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
} >
} > I have the following call tree: function prompt_theme_precmd() -> function git-info() -> SUBSHELL -> function git() -> hub -> Git.
} >
} > On ZSH 4.3.10, pressing CTRL + C while the above is executing calls
} > the shell's TRAPINT function, which is the expected behaviour, but
} > since 4.3.11, SIGINT is sent only to the executing process (Git), and
} > the shell's TRAPINT function is no longer called.

I've been doing some experiments to try to reproduce this, but I can't
make it happen.  I always get the TRAPINT called when I interrupt a job
started from precmd.

Can you be a bit more specific about that call tree?  On what operating
system / distribution are you experiencing this?

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