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[PATCH] Add sqlite and sqlite3 completion.

From: "Benjamin R. Haskell" <zsh@xxxxxxxxxx>

This adds completion for the sqlite and sqlite3 commands.

I posted the first version of this in workers:28923, asking about limiting the
filenames.  Bart responded in workers:28924 that filename filtering was the job
of the file-patterns style.  Because of that (and because SQLite files often
have no .sqlite-identifying extension), I punted on it: the options that take
filenames (-init, and the positional argument for the SQLite db file) just use

This version also handles the differences I observed in sqlite/sqlite3 handling
(sqlite3 allows "--option", has --csv as an output format, and has a few more

 Completion/Unix/Command/_sqlite |   50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_sqlite

diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_sqlite b/Completion/Unix/Command/_sqlite
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05027c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_sqlite
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#compdef sqlite sqlite3
+local ret opt display_opt sqlite3
+local -a options output_modes exclusive dashes
+[[ $service = sqlite3 ]] && sqlite3=true || unset sqlite3
+# sqlite options require a single hyphen, but
+# sqlite3 allows options with one or two
+dashes=( '' )
+(( $+sqlite3 )) && dashes+=( - )
+  '(-init --init)'$^dashes'-init[startup file]:file containing SQLite commands:_files'
+  $^dashes'-echo[echo commands]'
+exclusive=( {,-}-{no,}header )
+  "($exclusive)"$^dashes'-header[turn headers on]'
+  "($exclusive)"$^dashes'-noheader[turn headers off]'
+output_modes=( column HTML line list )
+(( $+sqlite3 )) && output_modes+=( csv )
+exclusive=( $^dashes-${^output_modes:l} )
+for display_opt in $output_modes ; do
+  # finagle the description to match the way SQLite's -help formats them
+  opt=$display_opt:l
+  [[ $opt = $display_opt ]] && display_opt="'$display_opt'"
+  options+=( "($exclusive)"$^dashes"-${opt}[set output mode to $display_opt]" )
+  $^dashes'-separator[set output field separator]:string to separate output fields:'
+  $^dashes'-nullvalue[set null value string]:string for NULL values:'
+  '(- :)'$^dashes'-version[show SQLite version]'
+  '(- :)'$^dashes'-help[show help]'
+  '1:SQLite database file:_files'
+  '(- :)2:SQL to run'
+(( $+sqlite3 )) && options+=(
+  $^dashes'-bail[stop after hitting an error]'
+  '(-*batch -*interactive)'$^dashes'-batch[force batch I/O]'
+  '(-*batch -*interactive)'$^dashes'-interactive[force interactive I/O]'
+  $^dashes'-stats[print memory stats before each finalize]'
+_arguments $options

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