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Re: ChangeLog generation

Peter Stephenson wrote:
> We still need some way of associating the mailing list posting with the
> change set, which is a bit of a puzzle since you are likely to commit it
> to your local repository first.  It doesn't need to be in comments (I
> couldn't see any way of updating them when pushing), it could be in some
> other metadata, so there may well be some workaround.  We're sunk
> without it, though, since tracing changes back to the discussion about
> it on the mailing list is crucial for working out the intention behind
> changes.

This sounds like a job for `git-notes'¹², which is additional data you
can stick to an object (like a commit) without changing the object
itself (leaving the hash-sums of the history intact).

My experience with them is limited, but that shouldn't be the biggest
problem. ;)

Regards, Frank

¹ <http://schacon.github.com/git/git-notes.html>
² <http://progit.org/2010/08/25/notes.html>

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