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Re: hg vcs_info issue

foudil.newie@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> my .zshrc contains:
> autoload -Uz vcs_info
> zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git cvs svn hg bzr
> zstyle ':vcs_info:*' check-for-changes true

How are you calling `vcs_info'? And how do you add the information from
`$vcs_info_msg_0_' into your prompt?

If you do the following on the command-line, does that look better?

% vcs_info
% vcs_info_lastmsg

The first commands just calls the system to make sure everything is
updated. The second command displays all `$vcs_info_msg_N_' variables
that are configured along with their contents.

If that seems broken as well, do the following:

% functions -t VCS_INFO_detect_hg VCS_INFO_get_data_hg
% vcs_info |& gzip -9 -c > vcs_info_hg.txt.gz

...and make the `vcs_info_hg.txt.gz' file available.

Regards, Frank

(Cc:ing Seth, who did most of the recent work on the hg backend)

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