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Re: PATCH: Fix quoting in `redhat' prompt

On 2012-02-13 at 20:57 +0100, Frank Terbeck wrote:
> Someone on IRC just noted, that when he's using the `redhat' prompt from
> zsh, that he's getting a "\$" prompt-mark instead of the "$" he was
> expecting. Turns out, that the quoting is a bit off (unless of course,
> the redhat prompt is *supposed* to look like that, which I can't quite
> believe).

The Centos prompt uses '$'/'#', per normal Bash convention.  I assume
that this matches RedHat.

> +  PS1='[%n@%m %1~]$ '

I suggest:
  PS1='[%n@%m %1~]%(#.#.$) '


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