On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 09:42:29AM +0100, Peter Stephenson wrote: > After what seems like years, for a very good reason, a new stable > release of zsh, 5.0.0, has appeared. You can get it from the main zsh > site, or mirrors, or from Sourceforge. The main FTP site is: > > [snip] I updated the website for 5.0.0 [1]. The commits are in the public web repository [2] (199c59f..7e0689e; tag zsh-5.0.0). If you find any problems/mistakes please inform me. While generating intro.pdf I noticed a problem. It seems like pdfroff -ms $(sdir)/intro.ms >intro.pdf creates a PDF which contains the data twice. For the website I used roff2ps and then ps2pdf, but I'm not sure if that's the best way. Is this just a issue with my pdfroff or a general problem? Are the texinfo sources for intro.ms available (the link on the website doesn't work anymore) or is there another way to create HTML from intro.ms (roff2html doesn't really work)? Regards, Simon [1]: http://zsh.sourceforge.net/ [2]: http://zsh.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=zsh/web;a=summary -- + privacy is necessary + using gnupg http://gnupg.org + public key id: 0x92FEFDB7E44C32F9
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