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tmux not reading .zshenv

I am trying to use the tmux multiplexer (1.6.2) with zsh (5.0.0) from
within rxvt-unicode (9.15) on Arch Linux. My ~/.zshenv seems not to be
sourced when I start a tmux terminal.

The settings from ~/.zshenv work fine when I start a normal rxvt-unicode
terminal, but then if I start tmux from the same terminal, the .zshenv
settings are gone. I know the terminal is using zsh because the prompt
looks the same, my ~/.zshrc settings are there, and I can use the zsh
language. It's just the .zshenv settings that are gone.

I thought that .zshenv was supposed to be sourced for
every terminal, so I'm not sure what is going wrong.

Any ideas?

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