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read -q broken on OSX / BSD?


I'm running % read -q, and then typing a single character which isn't y, Y
 or n. However, the value set in $REPLY isn't n, it is the character I
typed. The documentation<http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Shell-Builtin-Commands.html>
 for read -q explicitly says I should expect 'n' if the typed character
wasn't 'y' or 'Y'.

This behavior reproduces on OSX 10.7 using zsh 4.3.11 (default) and 5.0.0
(Homebrew), but not on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04, zsh 4.3.10) - on Linux, the
value in $READ is n, as expected. A kind Internet guy
broken behaviour on zsh
5.0.2 (i386-portbld-freebsd9.1).

Also, I've tried running under zsh -f, same results (i.e., I don't think
it's in my init scripts).

I believe this is a bug, so I thought it best to bring it here.

Thanks for a great shell,

 - Yaniv

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