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Re: Ncurses and shortcuts in tty

On Mar 3,  5:15pm, fulvio marro wrote:
} ncmpShow(){ ncmpcpp; }
} zle -N ncmpShow
} bindkey '^[\' ncmpShow
} It works, but I can't interact with it.

To expand a bit on Frank's answer, here you're executing ncmpShow from
inside a ZLE widget, which means ZLE is still "in control" of your
terminal -- it expects the widget to be doing something related to
editing the current command input.

What Frank's widget does instead is load ncmpShow into the ZLE command
buffer and then tell ZLE that command editing is finished (accept-line),
so ZLE relinquishes control and ncmpShow can take over.

If what you're wanting to do is run ncmpShow during the editing of a
different command line and then resume editing the command afterward,
you'll need a different solution.

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