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Bug in compinit and list-choices?


The following snippet of code in compinit:

# Rebind the standard widgets
for _i_line in complete-word delete-char-or-list expand-or-complete \
  expand-or-complete-prefix list-choices menu-complete \
  menu-expand-or-complete reverse-menu-complete; do
  zle -C $_i_line .$_i_line _main_complete
zle -la menu-select && zle -C menu-select .menu-select _main_complete

If I have a line (BUFFER="!7") '!7', and, I try list-choices on that
line, it automatically expands that line into the 7th history line.
Shouldn't it list the choices instead of expanding it automatically?

The above behaviour happens even when the options AUTO_LIST and
LIST_AMBIGUOUS are set or unset.


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