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zsh has migrated cvs -> zsh

The rest of the details are in an old thread, possibly skipped by folks,
so I'm going to try to gather the details here into one, hopefully
clear, email.

1. The trigger was pulled.  zsh now uses git.

2. CVS is dead.  "cvs up" will fail.  "/cvsroot/zsh/zsh" is not on the

3. On the CVS server, the old zsh content is now in a directory
   "zsh-OLD-DIR-USE-GIT" which is not inside the normal module, thus the
   death above.  So you can still get to the content.

4. git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
   git remote set-url --push origin ssh://${SFUSER}@git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code

That's the core of it.

If you have set up ~/.ssh/config to set "User" automatically, then you
can just use simpler URLs that can be shared and used by others.
Alternatively, you can remap the URLs in your ~/.gitconfig; I've
included examples of both of these, for user "fredbloggs1", below.
I use the ~/.ssh/config approach, myself.

 Code:    ssh://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
 Website: ssh://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/web

Kudos to Wayne, Frank and Aaron for doing the work of switching,
handling patchlevel, and so on.

Dear ${deity} it's so nice to have a fast SCM "log" command.


Example ~/.ssh/config setting:
----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------
Host *.sf.net *.sourceforge.net
	User fredbloggs1
	ForwardAgent no
	ForwardX11 no
	GSSAPIAuthentication no
----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------

Example ~/.gitconfig setting:
----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------
[url "ssh://fredbloggs1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"]
	insteadOf = git://git.code.sf.net
	insteadOf = ssh://git.code.sf.net
----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------

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