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Re: One-command mail import with X-Seq: and ChangeLog

On Sun, Apr 07, 2013 at 12:07:49PM -0700, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> The one thing I'm finding missing from both places is a discussion of
> how to perform a simple one-file (well, two, counting ChangeLog) push
> directly from a clone of the master.  Can I --amend a commit without
> having a branch, or must I wait even to commit until I've edited the

Technically you're always on a branch (ignoring detached HEAD
here), it's just the master branch and not a special branch
created for a specific feature.

Of course you can --amend on the master branch without creating a
new feature branch (in Git all branches are equal). Don't --amend
anything public though, e.g. nothing which is already in

> ChangeLog?  Or is creating a branch THE way, and I should ignore all
> the discussion of branching for "a feature" and just create a branch
> that's always there and use it repeatedly whenver I edit?

Normally you're on the master branch which tracks the remote
branch origin/master. How you work with this branch depends on
your workflow.

Some people prefer to always create new branches for specific
features, this is the workflow described by Frank, others just
work on master for small features (e.g. the one file change you
just mentioned) and push that to the remote. It depends what you
like better.

From Git's point-of-view you don't have to create any new
branches at all, but it's sometimes/often useful. Personally I
don't use any extra branches for small features, but that just my

Using _one_ extra branch repeatedly is not necessary in Git, as
branches are very cheap. If you want a new branch for this
feature, just create it (with an appropriate name) and remove it
later once the changes are merged/pushed to origin/master just as
Frank described. One the other hand if you don't need a specific
feature branch, just work on master.

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